The first book of 2008!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-01-17 17:24.
How exciting to start off the new year with a good book selection. Shalini has picked the new book and it is Cane River. You can find out more about the book at this site
I have read this book a few time, (I am an avid re-reader) and I really like this book! You might have read it too, it was an Oprah book choice. You might find it at the dollar store, that is where some of us found it. Anyway I hope you all will read it. A short summary is it centers around a family of females who lived with slavery and the aftermath of slavery. It is really good, at least I enjoyed it. I think we will have A LOT to talk about. We will meet in Feb. but the date will be announced shortly. (I am going to have to have my wisdom tooth pulled so I have to wait to find out about that before I give a date) Also at the meeting I will be bringing Nova since there is no way Shane can handle all three girls. (The oldest two still are jealous of Daddy holding the baby so it's pretty hard for him still. Nova is defiantly a mama's girl!) I am hoping that we get to see Allyson as well but no pressure Lanette.
So look for the book (I have to find mine again, so many books so many places to loose them!)
Have fun reading!
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Happy New Year!
Submitted by Natalie on Sat, 2008-01-05 23:02.
Hi everyone,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am looking forward to the year. First off I am not pregnant and am enjoying that Secondly I have three beautiful girls who are just amazing. Third Shane and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary in May, which is stunning to think that it has come by so fast. I wish a tiny bit that I was writing this and saying that we have a fabulous anniversary trip to NY City planned but we don' Kinda hard to do with the girls. Never the less we are looking forward to moving into the double digits of marriage and are feeling pretty thankful for what we have together and for our family.
I am also looking forward to the new year with the kick ass book club again. Shalini is going to send me a title and maybe be can meet at the end of the month or early next month. I just want to get going again. Thank goodness for the internet, otherwise my mind would be going slowly crazy from not having much adult interaction. Due to Nova being born and all I haven't had much reading. And just as she began to sleep through the night we all got Christmas cold and that sleeping situation has gone out the window. But I think we are maybe finally getting better. Once Ava is back and school and get are back to a routine I hope it returns and then I will be able to concentrate on a book or two. SO please join me again with the book club and save my brain from ruin. Don't even ask me what shows I have begun re watching due to midnight feeding. (Lets just say Kelly and Dylan anyone)
Happy new year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nova Mae Rowe
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2007-11-02 03:50.
Nova is here! She came into the world at 4:54 on Sunday, October 28th. After a lot of false labor for several days my sister came up here and rubbed my ankles and sure enough it set me into labor. Thank goodness! My water broke between 3:00 and 3:20 on Sunday. Then the contractions started and came so rapidly they didn't really have a set pattern. So once they were 9 min apart we called for the doc and then headed for the hospital. Once we got there I was at 5 and I told them I would go quick. They moved me to the delivery room, checked me again and I was at 7. After that it gets pretty hazy and embarassing. I was in a LOT of pain with Nova and of course they wouldn't give me pain meds. But at 4:54 she was born. She was pretty bruised, and her eyes were blood shot but gorgeous never the less. I am recovery pretty fast so the is one blessing of going so quick.
Thanks to everyone for the sweet messages.
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False Labor
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-10-16 16:11.
We had some false labor moments last night. For the last few months I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and although they are uncomfortable they were not unbearable. When they got bad I would take a minute or two to relax, and drink water just like all the websites tell you to do. Of course lately they have been happening more frequently and at inappropriate times, like when we had to walk the long trek at the Balloon Fiesta, (if for some reason I ever find myself pg again I WILL get the wheelchair instead of joking about it!), or when I am driving in rush hour traffic. But last night was different. They started while I was making cornbread for dinner, so I finished the dough and put into to bake for 20 min and sat down. They let up a little and then I went on my way. During dinner they started back up, but I ignored it again and decided that I would soak the bowls and clean up the kitchen in a while. They stopped and Shane and I played with the girls and then I suggested that I was tired and needed to go to bed. Of course I was bluffing, (I was tired but I wasn't going to miss Heroes) and suggested that I would only be able to get through the night if I had a cappuccino. So he reluctantly went to make them, if I helped. Now he doesn't need my help but he likes to show me how to make them in the hopes that one day I will make them but my feeling is this, I make the regular coffee every morning and usually dinner so the cappuccino thing is his domain, like taking out the trash. Before my stomach became the size of a slugbug I "could" take the trash out at night but that is pretty much the only household chore he is responsible for. Don't get me wrong he does pick up after himself better than the girls or I, and he cooks usually 1-2 a week, (although his cooking usually creates more of a mess for me So taking out the trash, making cappuccinos, and putting gas in the car is his "job." Back to last night, I went to "help" him and they came back, and they were strong to say the least. So I sat down and waiting for them to stop. Only this time they didn't. Then the back pain began and let me tell you I was not happy to say the least. I started to drink water and switched positions but nothing worked. Of course Nova kept moving which made the pain much worse. I waited half and hour and began to time them. Only they were lasting for so long and coming so quick it was hard to tell where they began and ended. I called April and asked her if all of her contractions began differently and after talking with her I decided that I should just keep trying to time them. OF course within minutes of her hanging up my mom calls. Now I have both of them calling and I am trying to relax but it's kinda hard when you are dealing with the girls and the calls and such. Eventually, an hour after mom's call they finally stop and just come and go. I let them know that it's was not going to happen and them Mom tells me that it sounds like I am gonna have a nice time with back labor. (Yeah I kinda figured that out), and April told me she is relieved because last night "wasn't really a good time for her." Lol Some good did come out of this experience. 1. I realized that I was still unprepared. My bag was only half packed, I still hadn't got pj's and a change of clothes into it although I did have my toiletries and the baby stuff. 2. I didn't have a bag packed for the girls in case they need to stay overnight. So last night I got those bags done. 3. I don't want to be in As bad as those pains were I KNOW that they are nothing like the actual thing and now I am thinking that I might want to just reconsider this idea. Shane is on board with that, he told me last week I might have to just hold off for a few months cause his work schedule is not working out well for My "plan" is to try to go into labor on a Friday, so that he can be back at work on Monday. See how accomodating I can be? Meanwhile as I sit her and type this I still have to do the dishes from last night, and get the a laundry put away because in case something does happen soon I would like to come home to a clean house. (Well see how that turns out.)
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It's the small things that make you happy!
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2007-09-28 17:39.
Sometimes the littlest thing in life can make all the difference, especially when it takes you by surprise, not by the the actual event but by how happy it makes you. This morning I went into Smiths and grabbed a shopping cart. The first one I grabbed was crap. The child seat wouldn't unfold regardless of how hard I tried to force it. To make matters worse I had Kennedy in my arms since she had taken off one sock and both shoes, her freaking favorite pastime of all.(seriously that girl can't seem to handle anything on her feet.) As I had my car in the shop having the brakes fixed, again, (another post, another time) Fred was driving me around to do errands. He dropped me off in front of Smiths since he had to run to work so that is why I was unable to properly re-sock and re-shoe her. So here I am holding her, having braxton hicks and trying in vain to get the cart to cooperate. Finally I just grabbed another cart and got her settled in the seat then put her clothing back on and let out my breath. Immediately I noticed that the cart turned so easily. Usually I get the junk cart, you know the one with the front wheel that refuses to be a team player, or I get the noisy one which announced to all Smith shoppers that you don't know how to pick a good cart amongst the hundred or so to choose from. Nope this cart was different and it caught my attention that the cart actually looked CLEAN! Upon further inspection I saw the child "safety belt", (actually I like to think of it as the "hold her butt to the seat so she can't climb out and try to run up and down the isle, or into people, or break something, belt") was brand new. Suddenly the realization that I had a new cart brought a smile to my face. Not only was it a smile because I had a working cart but the fact that it was NEW, and that I picked it out!!! I emerged victorious today in the shopping cart game!!! It was even better than getting the "close shaded by a tree spot" at the mall. Like I said it's the little things that can make you happy.
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October's Book Choice
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-09-27 17:18.
Hey Ladies!
The book for October has been chosen, this time by Misty. The book is Twlight, by Stephanie Meyer. It is an appropriate choice for October since it centers around Vampires. And remember this is the last book of the year since we are taking a break for the Holidays,(and to let Lanette and I recover from something scarier than Vampire, CHILDBIRTH!!!. Just kidding Lanette!) So I hope to see you all at the meeting and since it's almost Halloween Misty is requesting us all to dress in our scariest Vampire attire, fangs and all.
See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Happy Birthday Natalie!!
Submitted by Traci on Sat, 2007-09-15 19:23.
Wishing you a day of joy, relaxation, and celebration! Love you!
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Fall is getting close!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-08-30 17:05.
The best time of the year is vastly approaching. Fall is almost here and I couldn't be happier. Not only does the heat subside but the colors come out and the smell of roasting chili is in the air. I am looking forward to this fall almost as much as I look forward to one seven years ago when I was pregnant with Ava. At least this time I am not as nervous as I was with Ava. I don't have the fear that you do with your first. I remember bringing tiny Ava (5lbs 3oz) home and carrying her upstairs and calling my mom in tears as I was so overwhelmed with the responsibility of being a parent. Of course the fact that I was still having complications with hypertension and with Ava being early didn't make matters much better but we got through it and have keep her pretty much well and unharmed. Kennedy too although she did get the nasty burn on her arm that I still carry guilt about. With Kennedy I was a little more calm but her birth was without stress, with Shane, Ava, and I living in a new town without family. Once we got her home we were fine and now with Nova the biggest worry is how the heck is Kennedy going to like having a new baby around. Anyway that is all way off topic, back to the fall. Here is being able to cook dinner in the oven without dying of the heat and to getting rid of maternity close FOR GOOD and to putting on normal clothes that require using a button and zipper, not Also to pumpkins patches, and Halloween, and to Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie! Hurray for Fall, the best time of all! (sorry for the lame rhyme!)
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September's Book
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-08-21 15:47.
At long last we are reading a classic. East of Eden by John Steinbeck is the new book, and it should lead to a great book discussion. Have fun reading!
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The Deathy Hallows
Submitted by Natalie on Sat, 2007-07-21 06:25.
After three mind numbing hours of games and boredom, along with people who not only dressed like characters from the book but also smelled as though they belonged in the middle ages I got it! I got book seven and now will be reading until I know the end and the fate of Harry Potter. Of course there has been some evidence this week to challenge my belief on how the book should end but I can only hope the book is such a great read that it won't matter. So now it is almost 1:00 am and I hope to get in a chapter or two this morning. So if you call me tomorrow or the next day don't be surprised if I am cranky due to lack of sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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