Monday, November 10, 2008

On to summer and such

Our trip to Taos
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-05-09 13:01.
Our trip was neat and relaxing, and also a little smelly since we had a few bouts of vomit but I'll get to that. To begin we left early so that threw me into a whirlwind of packing and finishing up housework. Shane did most of the packing and actually did an excellent job only leaving my body soap behind. Seeing as how I am the one who does the packing always I was pretty impressed at how well he did. I guess he just got moved up on the chore ladder. (He will never be allowed to mop the bathroom though, EVER!!!) So finally we are on our way to Taos and the Parragon Inn which I reserved earlier for the wonderful price of $49 a night. (Again that is something I will address later!) We made a few stops along the way but didn't rush and just enjoyed the drive. Finally we get to Taos and find the Hotel and Shane goes to check in. Now this is where the trip began to show me that you never know what you might find in Taos. As Shane is checking in the girls and I wait in the car and I begin to notice that the dude behind the counter doesn't seem to be checking in Shane. So as I am wondering what was up I notice two people park and begin to walk towards the door. Ok let me see if I can describe them to you. Oh yeah. Pimp Daddy and his hoe!!! That right. Now I am thinking what did I get us into but then I see another couple who look like they are ok so I calm down a little. Shane comes out and tells me that their computers are down so he has to fill out the paperwork later but we have the rooms. Truthfully I would have been ok if we had to go to another place but still we are ok and head to the room. So Shane has the key, and I and the girls wait for him to open the door and once he does he turns to me and says "You are no longer allowed to choose the rooms!"lol Ok so it wasn't a fleabag hotel but it wasn't the most updated room either. It is always nice though when you can sit on the toilet and have one knee touch the door and the other the tub. But hey $50 bucks a night seemed like a steal. The next day we head out for breakfast and find a place called the stray cat. The food was great and a good price. Since we just joined Weight Watchers (yup that's right I said WE) I wanted to stay on track. So I did but I noticed my stomach felt funny. I chalked it up to my lady visitor, (too much info I know but it is what it is.) Then we head to Wal-Mart since Taos has no Target:( I and Ava needed warmer pants since we didn"t pack them) As we wrer looking in that ass-backward store Shane and Kennedy went for something which I can't remember now. Ava is looking at the pants I found when I hear it, the most awefull sound. Kennedy hurled everywhere! Needless to say that hurried us out of walmart. Back at our room I bath and redress Nova and give her some pedialite and we head out for a drive around Red River and Angelfire. Our drive was awesome and so relaxing. It was soooo beautiful and no one blew chunks! In Angelfire we got some great coffee and just had a wonderful time. Then we came home and relaxed until dinner which wasn"t good at all so I won't discuss it. We ended the night with Shane and the girls swimming and Nova and I watching. Then back to bed for us all. Remember my stomach ache? Well it returned at about 4 in the morning. Luckily I am a trooper and I forged ahead so we could have another good day. to be continued

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Nursemaid's Elbow
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2008-04-28 18:02.
We had a little scare last night. Shane, Dusty, Sandy, the girls and I were enjoying dinner last night around 8 when I passed Nova to Shane so I could eat without holding her. She had woke up just as we sat down and wanted to be held so I was holding her at the table. Once Shane was done he wanted to hold her and I passed her to him. He went to turn her around to face him and her right arm got stuck. He heard a little pop and she began to cry. It happened so suddenly and her crying was loud but not piercing that it took us a few minutes to determine if she had dislocated her shoulder. While Shane was running to Walgreens for Tylenol (what a time to be out of it), I laid her on the bed and although she had stopped crying I noticed she wouldn't move her arm. I brought her out to the living room and placed her on at the rug and showed Dusty and Sandy and they agreed she wasn't moving it. Shane came home and we left the girls with Sandy and Dusty and went to the Emergency room. I would say we got there about 8:30pm. Nova cried off and on but never moved her arm. Finally after x-rays of both arms we were seen and it was determined she had Nursemaid's Elbow which is the name given for an injury where one bone of the elbow joint is pulled out of place and gets stuck in that position. It is due to the a weakness in the ligaments of the elbow that some children have at this age. Fortunately it was easily remedied with a pop back that took only a second. Nova was smiling right after and laughing and then feel right asleep, then again it was only 2:00 am. Today she is a little quiet and tired but is moving her arms just like nothing happened. Of course Shane and I are still exhausted mainly from being worried. Aside from Ava being Jaundice after she was born we have never had to bring the kids to the ER so it was kinda a shock for us. Thankfully it turned out ok.

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Why I'm not allowed to cut my girls hair!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-04-10 22:17.
Sometimes I forget that I did not go to Beauty school. Sometimes I forget that I am not a professional beautician. Sometimes I get the urge to cut hair and I sometimes forget that my girls' hair does not have a magic button that regrows their hair instantly. I also forget that my special hair cutting skills aren't that special at all, and that I really don't know how to do an undercut. So today when I noticed Kennedy looking a little shaggy in the bangs I had to "remember" that I have been forbidden to cut anymore hair. PERIOD!!!

You know you have a serious problem when you are locked in the bathroom with your "victim" while your husband is working in the living room. You also have to realize that you have a problem when you see the hair piling up on the floor for the "little trim" you had hoped to accomplish. Again you must realize that you have a problem when you refuse to open the door and are hoping that your daughter won't want to leave the bathroom for the next few weeks or until her dad goes to bed. To his credit Shane did not begin to yell upon forcing the door open, (you forget he is stronger than you), and only "laughed" when he saw his oldest daughter with formerly long hair suddenly with above shoulder length hair. Also you are amazed at his stride when he begins to calmly "fix" the damage that you have done by trying to even out the lopsided mess, especially when you know that in the not-so-distant past you were FORBIDDEN to touch any of our childrens' hair again, after a bad bang episode, in which you readily agreed too. But here you are explaining that it is not your fault and that the scissors just cut where they want to. Thankfully he is able to somewhat fix the damage and luckily your seven year old does not realize that her mom has given her a very uneven hairdo. So this all comes rushing back to you as you look at your two year old's bangs and suddenly you REMEMBER that you are NOT ALLOWED to cut her hair (again) ,... (EVER EVER again). However you also know that you are too cheap to take her to get her hair cut because you KNOW that you can just even her bangs and that it can't be that hard. (SIGH) You wonder how long you can hold out before you get a hold of her and bribe her to hold still and not make a noise while you "make her look like Ava"!

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The April Book Choice
Submitted by Natalie on Sat, 2008-04-05 04:45.
Before I announce the next book choice let me first say how great I thought our last book choice was. Schuyler's Monster is so far by my favorite pick of all, aside from East of Eden because I love that book almost as much as I go Gone with the Wind. Our meeting was small tonight and I am not sure how many people did read Schuyler's Monster so I want to emphasis that if you haven't read it PLEASE read it. It's that good!!! Then read about it online at That little girl is captivating. Send her a dinosaur if you got one too!

The new book is Confessions by Paris Hilton. (Just Kidding) I would never do If we are going to read some trash like that then we will wait for the Lindsay Lohan I know how much you all want to read about that. Now for the actual title... Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is the new book. I have not read this book yet but have seen the movie and obviously heard the complete soundtrack. (Eddie Vedder did the soundtrack and if you haven't heard the song Guarantee then you have to go to ITunes right now and download it. (Just spend the $1.99, if you don't love the song then there is something mentally wrong with you and maybe you need to look into some medication) Anyway I looked at Amazon, (see the link) and found the book for an inexpensive amount of money. I highly recommend the movie though it's great and I think it will be a great addition to talk about at the meeting.

Here is a link to a you tube video of Schuyler. There will be more videos with regards to her dad and mom speaking about life with Schuyler if you like to see more.

Hey if you are looking for a movie to watch I also HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest the documentary THE KING OF KONG-- A FIST FULL OF QUARTERS. Lanette, I forgot to mention it at the meeting but I have no doubt that Allan will like it since he and Shane seem to like the same stuff. Ladies you have go watch it as well. It is hilarious in a sad "Really there are people who actually act like that way" and a "Man that guy is a douche bag" kinda show. Just rent it, you won't be sorry.

Last two items that are important. 1. I came home tonight and discovered Ava can now ride her bike alone without help or training wheels. That is a big deal for us!



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Summer Fun!!!
Submitted by Natalie on Wed, 2008-04-02 03:57.

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A New Buck!
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2008-03-31 16:54.
For those who don't already know Misty has some new news. She is expecting a baby in the fall. Actually in mid September to be exact. I would tell you she is due around the middle of the month but she likes to hold on to those babies and keep them in her womb longer than they tell her too so my guess is that she will deliver around the
Congratulations to the Bucks!

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Lets see if this works!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-03-20 16:35.
Make a slideshow - it's easy!

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The March Book has been chosen.
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-02-29 06:08.
Lanette has picked the next book to read an it is Schuyler's Monster: A Father's Journey with His Wordless Daughter. You can see the book at this link
More info about time and place will be announced later. Sorry for the short blog but I wanted to get the book info out so you can get and read it in a month.

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Robert's having a boy!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-02-21 17:53.
Who is Robert? I don't know him but I do know that they are having a boy. How do I know, because he texted message Shane that he was having a boy. Of course I texted him back and congratulated him, only after calling his number to ask him if Shane was the father of this I mean what would you do if your husband left his phone at home and you get the text message? First I called Shane to inform him that finally after having three beautiful girlie girls he finally created a boy, which would have been followed by Good luck to you in your future life raising your son. Shane of course laughed and told me to call the number which I did and got Robert's voice mail, (see how I know Robert is the dad.) I then decide well if he is excited enough about having a boy to send valuable text messages to strangers then the least I can do is text him back CONGRATULATIONS!. (I considered also wishing my good luck with the circumcision but decided that would be sarcastic and I decided to be nice). Then I get a call back from the baby daddy asking me why I called and so I explain about the message and he again told me he was having a boy and so I congratulated him again. So if you come across a Robert, who is having a boy send him my warm regards because he did what Shane and I could not. Robert made a BOY!

PS. Did I tell you my New Years Resolution is to NOT be pregnant this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Where is Shalini when you need her??????????
Submitted by Natalie on Wed, 2008-02-13 16:44.
Last week the school newsletter had a brief paragraph about turning in science fair projects for the 3-6 grades. Ava's class and all the 1-2 grades were not required to do a project so I didn't worry about one. Then yesterday I picked Ava up from school and she informed me that she VOLUNTEERED to bring one in tomorrow (today). I asked her what she was talking about and she replied that someone called her teacher over the intercom and asked if there were any science projects to bring to the gym and Mrs. Stader (her teacher) said no. So Ava told Mrs. Strader that she had one at home to bring and Mrs. Strader told her she could bring one in the morning. Now the project that Ava was thinking of was this invention she made with a paper plate and some string. The plate is the moon and in the evening she pulls the string down and the "moon" goes up and vice versa for morning. It was pretty inventive for a 7yr old to figure out but not a science project. So I call Shane at work and inform him that he can't work late because he and Ava have a science project to figure out. Of course he is excited and begins to plan something elaborate and then realizes that it is due in the morning so then he makes me call Mrs. Strader to find out if she needs a back board and what needs to be done. I made the call and found out that she can turn one in but it won't be judged and to not go through too much trouble etc... We get Shane and head to Hobby Lobby for the solar system. Finally we decide that her project will be "Is Earth the largest Planet in our Solar System?" We spend the night gluing the sun and the planets to the board and convincing Ava that Pluto is no longer a planet and that the sun might look like a planet but is in fact a Finally we get the project done and take it to school. It turned out pretty good for a last minute thing, even if I got the planets wrong and told Ava that Earth was Uranus and that it was the fourth largest planet not the Glad that I am not being graded on it.

Shalini you better get ready for next year because I have been bragging about all of your science fair accomplishments to Ava and told her how you will be able to give her some great help so I am giving you fair warning for next year!!!

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