Another little bun in the oven!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-03-29 04:30.
Congratulations to the Duvall family! They are going to add to their family with baby #1. Lanette's due date is Nov. 12th which as of this date makes her 7+ weeks.
Congratulations to Lanette and Allen!
I think she is having a boy!
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A bun is in the oven!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-03-01 18:27.
We're on to baby number 3! I had a suspicion but took a test yesterday and found the line to be there. At this point it is really early, around 4 3/4 to 5 weeks and we are being cautiously optimistic. If all goes well the baby will be born the first of November. Shane was surprised but relatively happy. Ava is of course happy and Kennedy has little idea of what is going on. lol Hopefully all will go well so keep your fingers crossed for us.
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March Book!
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2007-02-26 02:36.
The new book for March is..........
Running with Scissors
This is Shalini's pick and if you think you can go and see the movie and not read the book we will know!
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It was awesome!
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2007-02-26 02:35.
We had the most fun last night! We went to the Lodestar Planetarium to see the Starry Night exhibit. It was so cool. Kennedy liked it and was well behaved. Ava, who loves science, also enjoyed to so much. If you have a chance to see it please do. I promise you will love it!
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Exhausted but things are looking up.
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-02-20 06:48.
Who ever said exercising was suppose to make you feel less tired? It must have been a doctor who read about exercising, spoke with other docs who heard from their friends who heard about it in med school. I am tired! This has been a tiring week to say the least. When did February become such a busy month? I feel like I have been on the go everyday this week. Run here, do this, go here. Enough already! I have decided that I need a wife or the equivalent. Now I have Shane but he already has a second marriage going, to his work. I can't complain about that. No I have decided that I am going to take advantage of situation that has presented itself. Fred, (you know him he is the little kid that some of you dressed up like a Ninja Turtle for) is moving up here soon and I have decided he is going to be my new "wife." Yeah I said it I am going to "marry up my brother." It's going to be nice to have someone I can boss around who will actually mind me. Ava has quickly become her father's daughter and is no long afraid of me. Sure she still minds but I need someone who I can really threaten, someone who is dependent upon me for shelter and such and who knows how scary the world is out there. Man I can't wait. Here's to having a servant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Break Up.
Submitted by Natalie on Wed, 2007-02-07 20:22.
Remember your first breakup? Remember how you thought the world was ending and it was for you. The wonderment of how people could still function and live a normal life even though your relationship was over? And the Drama? You can't forget the drama! My first official break up was with Shane. There were a few little things before our break up; the time I had to tell Loal that I didn't want to date him anymore,(we actually went on a few "dates" which never happens in HS. HS kids automatically become a "couple", we were not.) Then there was JJ, another person I hung out with but we didn't break up we just never saw each other again, but there wasn't a fight, just and ending.(He did call me on my 21st b-day which is more than I can say for some people.(JK) Then there was Shane and the first official break up. We had little incidents before but the big one was summer of "97", and I never thought I would make it through that summer. You might be wondering why am I thinking about this now, it's been 10 years almost time to move on and you are right. Obviously I did move one, with him in fact and we are getting ready to celebrate 9 years of marriage which, for the most part, has been wonderful and (with the exception of a week) break free. Then the phone rang this weekend and it all came back. It was Fred, my baby brother who is a month shy of nineteen. His girlfriend just broke his heart and he needed someone to talk too. We spent time with him this weekend trying to help him take his mind off the situation. I realized something this weekend, actually a few things. First, breaking up in like child birth. You might forget how bad the pain was but you don't forget that it was there. Second, for "young couples" in love today breaking up is way more complicated. Let me explain. Ten years ago during my BU I only had three resources to contact Shane; by phone( and I mean a landline), by writing a letter on paper and mailing it, and through mutual friends. All of these options are like horrible temptations when you are in the middle of a BU. When you are still in love with someone the desire to call them, to hear their voice it the strongest and the worst one. I can't think of a time when this is a smart idea, can you? Writing a letter also proved to be unwise and yet you did it when you couldn't speak to the person. And who among us didn't try to find out information from friends, hoping to hear how bad the other person is doing but never quite hearing what you want to hear. For the kids today there are so many more complications. E-mail, Text messaging, cell phones and for some the internet. Fred, like many young adults his age has access to all of the above and I think his has made this experience ten times worse. To begin he never his without his cellphone, meaning never without his access to her. His phone is like and evil tool, the constant reminder of what he has lost. Pictures of her are on his phone. Every ring he jump to see if she is calling. In "our time" we couldn't take the phone with us unless we were rich like Zach Morris and had the big time phone in our backpack. As we did not have cellphone neither did we have text messages. The text message is the fuel of the BU. Because it is almost instantaneous it is as bad a phone conversation, you read the response and rapidly send one back without having the time to really think about what you are writing, and yet since you are not actually speaking you are not so inhibited. Then comes the next disaster waiting to happen, My Space or any other crap on the internet. It's like having an add taken out in the school newspaper saying "Hey I broke up with so and so and now I am single." My advice has been "Don't look at her site, say away completely!" Of course this advice was not taken and has caused more drama. Not like a young girl needs more ways to be dramatic! Of course I am here to help Fred and my advice has been stay out of contact with her, give her space and tell her to do the same, but I guess it is easier said than done. It's hard to see this happen to him though, he is such a great kid! He is sweet, kind, caring and devoted. Maybe a little dramatic but then again I guess we all were, and maybe still are.
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February Book Selection
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-01-30 06:06.
The moment has arrived! The new book is
The Cat Who Went Bananas! By Lillian Jackson Braun
(I tried to add a link by my computer is running to to to slow tonight and is making my blogging life unbearable! Sorry!)
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I hate when Shane is right!
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-01-23 02:55.
Brad Pitt sucks!
Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Submitted by Natalie on Sun, 2007-01-21 06:08.
I had to blog this! Some of you will understand why if you read your e-mail. I still love NKOTB. I thought I would marry Donny Whalberg. Ask April what I did to our room on night after crying about how much I loved him! (Hitting puberty was hard with the hormone thing) Anyway tonight Ava was watching High School Musical and I remarked to Shane that I would have totally been in love with the boy on the movie had I been Ava's age, in fact at my age I still like him a little. LOL Then I took a trip down memory lane and I what did I see but You Tube who offered up some video and I tell you all the love came back. Of course Ava also like the boys and tried to like Donny but I told her she could like Joey. Then I kick her off my lap so I could concentrate on the video. I also commanded Shane to try to record it onto cd which he says isn't "possible" but I know that is garbage, he just wants me to be once again separated from the magic that is NKOTB. No matter I still have the link.
Rock on NKOTB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Book Club Meeting
Submitted by Natalie on Sat, 2007-01-20 04:17.
January's Book Club Meeting is coming soon! Check the e-mails for time and date and get ready with your new book selections. Also for those who care the new Oprah Book will be announced on Friday 26 for those who care. I like her suggestions so I do. Have a name ready if you haven't got to suggest a book yet and for those who want to read online I'll post the new book as well as some good views from the members. Until then......
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