Monday, November 10, 2008

Just a little bit more

The new and improved book choice is
Submitted by Natalie on Wed, 2008-07-16 15:16.
Savannah from Savannah by Denise Hildreth

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The August book choice
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2008-07-14 22:53.
Sorry ladies we had to make a last minute change so stayed tuned and I'll send out the new and improved pick. If you want to know the book that Sarah had chosen e-mail me and I'll let you know because it looks good.

Keep an eye out for forthcoming e-mail regarding the new choice.


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Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-07-04 03:34.
The highly anticipated film production of TV series Friends has finally been given the go-ahead, MailOnline is reporting. Cast members Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, Lisa Kudrow and David Schwimmer will reprise their roles for a big-screen adaptation ‘within the next 18 months’, according to insiders.

The actors have been inspired by the recent success of Sex And The City, which recently hit cinemas worldwide. The highly anticipated film production of TV series Friends has finally been given the go-ahead.

A source said: ‘Jennifer, Courteney and the rest of the cast are keen to reprise their roles, under the right circumstances. ’The box office success of Sex And The City has really got their wheels spinning about how a Friends film could be just as big, if done right.

‘Timing and the script are really important, but now that Courteney and Jen both have production companies, they can potentially get very involved in those decisions.’ Talk of a reunion for the loveable gang from New York’s Central Perk has been bandied around Hollywood ever since the show aired its final season in 2004. While Cox, 44, LeBlanc, 40, Perry, 39, Kudrow, 45 and Schwimmer, 41, were believed to be keen on the reunion, Aniston, 39, is believed to have dragged her heels.

Now, however, she is keen to move ahead with the project, which will be produced by Warner Bros.



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Something I can't get out of my head...
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-07-04 03:14.
The monkids or Monkey Kids. Maybe you saw them on the Outsiders the other night. People who for varied reason adopted Monkeys to raise as "children". I just can't forget about that program. I can't even tell you what I think about the people who take this on because I have mixed feelings for them. I feel sad for them in a way. For whatever reason many of them cannot have children and therefore need to fill the void that they have. One lady said she had an empty nest syndrome and got her monkey so that she would never be without a "child". And this is the one I just can't stop thinking about. First her "daughter" dresses up better than Nova. She had her everyday clothes, and her dresses, including at least once fancy dress. This is only the beginning. Her "daughter" eats at the table in a high chair and for the most part obeys the parent better than most human kids or humkids as they further be refered to. She eats a lot of crap though, like lollipops, candy, and monkey fries. (French fries). Amazingly she isn't overweight like some of the monkids. One monkey showcases was really chubby. It was odd to see a fat monkey and the fact that he looked like a chubby scary version of Eddie Munster didn't help this impression. And his bedroom was beyond any humkids fantasy let alone a monkid. Sadly he eventually turned on him mom who came to the realization (as most owner seem to) that these children were wild animals and no matter how dressed up they were or how loved, their innate nature was wild. Not all parents come to that conclusion, the lady with the "daughter", who's "kid" bite another child at the playground (Hello! If you have a humkid and you are at the playground and you see a monkid you should, as an adult, looked past the clothes and accessories and NOT let your child play with the monkid. Even if he does have cooler sneakers than your kid, even if he has the latest IPOD, it doesn't matter. Don't give into the peer pressure, children and monkids do not mix!) Anyway this "mom" continues, along with the dad who get mad when his "daughter" is referred to as a monkey, to raise her baby just as she had for 18 yrs! Yeah, 18 years! Is it just me or is that just a tad to long to be changing diapers. (Yup that right! Diapers Diapers Diapers)

Sometimes you got to wonder what the next trend is going to be. Remember when people got those hermit crabs were popular? You could wear them in a necklace? Maybe I'll be able to start the next animal trend. Like a sloth. I'm going to wait until these girls move out on their own and then get me a sloth. A big fat one with all it's shots.

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So you think you have an original name? Maybe? Maybe not?
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-07-03 02:34.
HowManyOfMe.comThere are861 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?

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The Hell that is Radio Disney's Jonas Brother's Party!
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-06-27 03:11.
Why I thought that a night with screaming Jonas Brother's fans would be fun I do not know, what I do know is that Radio Disney needs to get their stuff together before they throw another party. You have no idea how much Ava was looking forward to this event held at the Balloon Muesuem. It has been advertised for at least a month and after watching "Camp Rock" she eagerly anticpated this night. So we get to the event and it was packed, although it wasn't as big as the Junie B. Jones book signing but still there was a decent crowd. However the problem was that the set-up was horrible. The "big event" was suppose to be a competetion for the all coveted "Signed by the Jonas Brothers ""Guitar"". Notice my double quotations about the guitar:( Ok, so there was a set up in this small corner of the RD DJ's, and then a space, and then kids and their parents. But so many parents were crowded that Ava and Kennedy couldn't even get to where the kids were sitting, much less see anything. Then we realized that the "contest" started and basically the kid who had the most family there to clap for her won. Oh yes let me tell you about the ""guitar"". Normally one assumes that a guitar is a musical instrument not a cardboard cutout that might have a "signature" on it, (and by "signature", I mean photo-copied stamp). But you would be wrong as we were. So at this point we realize that the "highlight" of the evening was pretty much over. Luckily we got there before they ran out of the Camp Rock poster that Ava was really excited for and the other free crap that they got. Once home I realized that we just collected a bunch of junk RD has had for a while seeing as how one of the free stuff was Easter Egg decals of Enchanted. (Now I know what I am going to be doing tomorrow)
The only saving grace of the evening was the fact that the Balloon Museum was free to view tonight. That part was actually nice and with the rising price of gas it justified the trip out there. We spent the rest of the evening checking out the ballooning stuff. Then we go to a cool thing where you can do a virtual simulation of being in a hot air balloon. We got to watch two kids hang out in it and not get off of it even when Shane and I loudly commented about how they were giving away free Nintendo WIIs (a lie). That didn't work so Shane came in with "Now their giving away Nintendo Wii's, and still they didn't move, not even when Shane upped the ante with "Wow, naked girls!". Needless to say we didn't get to experience virtual hot air ballooning but we did get to try to make a tornado. Eventually the time ended with a slightly disapointed Ava but with a good old fashioned trip to Starbucks for some liquid happiness.
To recap the night

Jonas Brother's Camp Rock Party.....sad
Radio Disney as hosts of party......sucked big time
New Balloon Museum..................ok to visit since it was free
Kids who didn't give up ride........losers
Jonas Brother's signed "Guitar".....suckiest thing of all
Calming cup of Starbucks Coffee.....priceless

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Guitar Hero
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2008-06-24 02:08.
Well pretty much everyone in my family loves Guitar Hero. Mom can't quite do it, her carpel tunnelhurts her hand to bad but she can hit the green Dad was really good, better than most of us on our first try. Dusty thinks he is good, but sadly he is not. Shane of course is good, what else is new. I have a song called Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs that I enjoy playing and listening too. The only thing I don't care for is the characters of course but then again it's suppose to be Rock and Roll so go figure. One night I was doing a guitar battle with "The Devil", a character from that you play at the nd and we were battling on the Devil went down to Georgia when Ava and her friend Ally came into the living room. I was concentrated as you have to when you are up against him and so Ava knew not to bother me. She turned to Ally and said "Hold on Ally, my mom is battling the Devil" to which I am sure Ally was Needless to say that broke my concentration and I lost. Luckily the only thing that got lost was my battle and not any I eventually beat him but still cannot beat Tony Morrell. One day!!!

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Happy Father's Day!
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2008-06-16 04:31.
Shane's father's day just flew bye! First the day began with the five of us just hanging out in our bed laughing and loving our little family. Then as Shane showered the girls got ready so we could take Daddy for breakfast. Shane got out the the shower and we made sure he wore the father's day shirt Ava made him last year in Kindergarten. It's a fantastic shirt that had purple puffed paint that says "#1 Dad" and the her hand prints in teal. Quite a pretty shirt I must say! Shane almost "forgot" to wear but I made sure to remind him. Then we headed for breakfast only to find most places with huge waiting lines. Shane decided, (since it was his day) that we would grab a McDonald meal which wasn't great for me but the kids played and had fun and we relaxed to it was worthwhile. We had planned to go to the Antique shop on San Mateo but as it was closed we headed for Joann's Fabric instead. Shane helped me pick out some great quilting mags and then a color wheel since my sense of color compliments is pretty bad. After picking up some supplies and more we came home and relaxed. The kids played while Nova and I took a snooze and Shane played PS3 golf. I laid on his lap and slept and Kennedy fell asleep in Nova's car Then once he got me awake (it took some doing) we had a little Bar-B-Que and had a good dinner just our little family. Then after cleaning up and baths Nova feel asleep and Shane and I watched Cloverfield. I got bugged at the ending which if you watched it you know why. I didn't work on Kennedy's quilt as I planned but I did cut it out last night and planned by layout. It should be really cute and I plan to take my time and work slowly on it. I just want to finish it by her birthday. Nova's turned out cute, even with all the errors I made. I just have to remember that practice makes perfect. Shane and I are planning to make one together once I make Ava hers which I found a great pattern in a mag today that we might do. But to get back to Father's day I am happy it went well and look forward to it again next year! Hope all your men had a good father's day too!

Love to Shane who is a terrific father!

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The June book choice
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-05-30 02:04.
Heather has picked the book Stardust by Neil Gaiman as our new book to read. She said it is in paperback and also available at the Library. It looks to be a fun lighthearted read. Just as a FYI I got some info from the long haired dude at Page One and he said that it looks like Page One Too will be joining into one building.

Looking forward to the book discussion and look forward to the e-vite from Lanette once Heather determines a date and time and place. Here is to hoping her closing on her house goes well!!!

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Memorial Day
Submitted by Natalie on Fri, 2008-05-30 01:58.
I can only say how blessed I am to have the family that I have. It is hard to explain how wonderful they are. My grandma was a part of a close knit family, the Richards. She was one of seven siblings; John, Ruth(granny to me), Rose, Laura, Tom, and the twins Teddy and Deannie. I never knew John, he passed as a young man but the five sister and Tom were all very very close. Growing up there was hardly a summer that went by that we didn't attend some type of pot luck or get together with everyone. And as we grew up the family grew and grew. When my granny passed her sister, my great aunt, filled that missing space and became extended "grannies" to us Nichols kids. Sadly the past few years as seen all of the sister pass one by one. They went in order as well thankfully they didn't go together and we still had one or more to hold on too. Deannie passed away last year and with her death all of sister were reunited leaving only my Uncle Tom. That was a hard thing to see this weekend because his wife passed a few years ago as well. Thankfully he has a wonderful daughter that he has moved close too so he is not alone. What I noticed this weekend is that as my Granny and Aunts are gone their children, my aunts and second cousins have once again moved in and filled their void. As we were at my Grandparents grave I lost my strength and began to cry and was just so full of grief and sadness. Shane of course was comforting to me but it was Linda, Laura's Aunt who came by my side and swept me in a hug and just talked to me and reminded me that not only are my Grandparents reunited with each other but the sisters are back together as well. And of course she and my other "aunts" were here to fill their place. Her words really were such a comfort.
The other hard part of the weekend was seeing Brent's (my cousin)grave. His headstone was beautiful. It has a carving on the black marble of the tree and the stars that he would see at his home. He is so missed by everyone that it is still hard to speak about. He touched so many lives and truly inspired us.
Oh yeah the lady who bought my Grandparent historic home ruined it and the neighborhood completely. Now she is trying to sell it. Lets just say that I hope she has to take a loss on it.

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