July's Book
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2007-07-09 23:18.
Sarah has picked the next book, it is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. This is also the first author to have be chosen a second time so the comparison between both books should make for an interesting discussion. Have a good read and see you at the meeting.
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Long goodbye
Submitted by Natalie on Sun, 2007-07-08 02:00.
The end is near! Don't worry, I'm not a doomsday predictor but am speaking of the end of Harry Potter series and the end of a long and joyful ride. It is bittersweet to anticipate this last book, The Deathly Hollows. On one hand there is the excitement that comes with every edition in the series. Opening the book is to visit with old friends and to travel magically back to Hogwarts and to Harry's world. Only this time, (this is where bitter part lies) there won't be anymore "new books". We won't be eagerly anticipating the next book. This is the end of the line for the books and also for some of the characters. Of course the big question of all, the one that crazy bookies taking bets on it the most obvious. Will Harry die? I have already been quite vocal to any who will listen that I believe he will. Actually what I have said is that if it was my book, (Don't I wish!) then i would have Harry die. Don't get ruffled all of you Harry lovers, it isn't out of meanness or spite that I would kill of a main and beloved character but out of love for Harry, (you heard me I love that character almost as much as I love Scarlett O'Hara), that I would end his life in a brave and courageous way much like he lived. Why would I do that? Simple. When reading all the volumes one theme repeats, Harry and his strong desire to be with his parents. Unlike other characters Harry has this strong tie to death and for him death, as long as he defeats Voldemort before hand, will the the only way to reunite with Lily and James Potter, the two people who loved Harry the most and whose Harry made powerful enough to defeat Voldemort. (Read the book if you don't know why!) Therefore while I would be sad if Ron or Hermione or Hagrid died, (out of the three my best guess would be Hagrid dying, though I wouldn't bet to much money on it) I would feel happy for Harry for his reunification with his parents. Now don't get me wrong, it will be a sad happiness, lets not forget that I have a daughter and several nieces who have seen the movies and adore Harry. It's going to be Bridge to Terrabithia all over again. For them a happier more peaceful ending would be appreciated. However the reader and "wannabe writer" feels a more profound ending is needed. Not to mention the closure that will be given if there isn't possibility for someone later to write further novels. Anyone who read Scarlett will understand what I mean. Closure will help us sad HP fans move on with our lives as we wonder "What will we read now". ??????????????//
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So my mother's intuition was wrong!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-06-14 15:40.
We are having a girl! I got my ultrasound today and expected to hear that we were having a boy. Then I saw the image of a butt and then the front and didn't see anything poking out!lol I said "It's a girl?" and the ultrasound lady said "Looks like" and we looked again and sure enough she's a girl! I have to tell you that I was a little sad, if you will, not because she is a girl but because I was wrong.lol Then I got to see her face in 3D and the first thing I thought was "She looks like Kennedy!" The next pic was her looking really pissed to be being messed with and of course now I know she is definitely one of my girls.lol So here's to letting go of the idea of having a son, of camouflage, and of all things Ninja and hello to Pink and Princess!
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This might give you the creeps!
Submitted by Natalie on Mon, 2007-05-28 20:23.
So yesterday I got the girls in bed and decided that I was going to take a bath. Shane is working at his desk and Fred is not here, all is calm and peaceful. I noticed that there were two rolls of tp on the sink, seeing that I am the only one who will ever put the rolls on the holder. I go to grab a roll and got the scare of my life A GRANDDADDY LONGLEG!!!!!!!! Needless to say that it scared the crap out of me! (no pun intended) Luckily there is another roll so I hurry and finish what I am doing so I can get away from it. Now I know that they aren't dangerous and all that jazz but still I am chicken. Of course once safely away from the spider I know what I have to do. Quickly and quietly I go back to the bedroom to get Shane.
"Shane, please come quick"
"What?" he replies following me to the bathroom
"Sit on the toilet" which he finally does after prodding
"Now grab for the tp" and then he does and jumps.lo
Then we try to get it out of the house but both of us are creeped out by the whole incident and in the end someone lost their life. Shane is still with us so you figure it out.
Moral of the story....Always make sure you look before you grab and keep two rolls handy.
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The Shadow
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-05-22 19:45.
Slowly over that last year we have come to see a shadow living amongst us. This shadow comes in the form a little girl and has blue eyes and curly hair. She walks in the steps of Ava and has learned from her how to be. I had an eerie deja vu today as the shadow put on a backpack and with her small voice "Bye mom", blew a kiss to me and stood up. For a second I saw two girls, one of her and the other a few years back of Ava with the same backpack pretending to be off to school. This is why I am thankful that I had two girls. Although years apart they are so close they could be twins, with luck they will continue to maintain that spirit. I have to admit that the idea of having another girl is kinda sweet so that the Shadow will become the tree for a new shadow. Makes life happy doesn't it?
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Nine Years!
Submitted by Natalie on Sun, 2007-05-20 01:44.
Tomorrow Shane and I will celebrate nine years of marriage. In some ways I am amazed at how quickly the years have passed and then again it also seems like we have always been married. We spent the day spending time with our girls, and we had a great time. We went to breakfast and actually had a nice good waitress. Then we parked at the bottom of Nob Hill and did some window shopping. When Shane and I first dated, and after we were married we used to walk along those stores almost everyday. Now we drive by and remember going to the Lobo for cheap dates, horrible presented movies and we miss it so much. We looked in the Lobo today and all the ambiance is gone and replaced with Nob Hill snottiness. Most stores we just looked at but we did go into the Spy Shop. The guy tried hard to sell us some stuff but the closest thing we thought about was the license plate spray to avoid red lights. Another stop was Birdland for Lava Lamps but no luck. Eventually we came home and later celebrated by having a BBQ with the girls and Fred. With luck the next nine years will be as pleasant even if by then the girls will be hitting the teenage years.lol
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Tiny feelings!
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2007-05-17 02:29.
The baby has been moving around for a few days now and is pretty active. I am enjoying this part of the pregnancy for several reasons; first I only puke about once a day, usually in the mornings. That is a huge step for me, I can live with that no problem. Second every little movement tells me he (I only think he is a boy but am not sure.) Lastly this has got to be that last pregnancy so I am trying to pay closer attention to it, so I can remember it. Now if I get pregnant you'll know that is Shane's fault and didn't follow through with his promise, (you know what I mean!) So here is to the last pregnancy and no we won't be trying for a boy his this one is a girl! (You would be surprised that I get that, are people crazy?)
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We finally got a winner!
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-05-15 23:46.
I don't know about you all but I think that this month's book choice has been the best yet! The odd thing for me is that I refused to watch the movie, I mean who wants to watch something about hookers? That is until I read the book and now I am totally hooked and can't wait to watch the movie. I won't say much more about it until we have our meeting but I finished the book last night and can't wait to talk about it so I am gonna harass Heather for a meeting date and soon!
If you haven't read it you are missing out!
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May's Book Choice
Submitted by Natalie on Sun, 2007-05-06 02:04.
Hello all!
Thanks to Heather for choosing Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden for the May book club choice. This will be an interesting choice since many of the club members have seen the movie and I am sure will be comparing the book to it. As always Lanette will send the e-vite once Heather has figured out the date and meeting place but she does think it will be late this month or early next. Keep your eyes posted!
From what I hear from everyone May is stacking up to be a big month so let us know if you know of any dates that will be a huge conflict or anything that arises.
Good luck reading about prostitution!
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April's Book Choice
Submitted by Natalie on Tue, 2007-04-03 03:55.
Sharon has picked our new book for April. The book is The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. This is an excellent choice for a book, I read it already and am happy to read it again. I promise this will be a book we will all love and look forward to talking about.
At the last meeting we discussed Running with Scissors. I know a lot of you couldn't finish the book and I understand how hard it was to read. I hope you will give this book a chance because it is a touching and easy to read novel.
Sharon will pick the date and place and will get the info to Lanette when she knows.
Have a great Easter weekend!
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